Dreadlock Maintenance & Re-styles
To keep your dreads healthy I recommend that they are maintained every 3-4 months. Some of my clients come every six months and some come once a year. Whether you are looking for someone to maintain your dreads regularly or just as a once off I am happy to help. I can do just your roots, a root to tip tidy or rescue dreads that have become super snuggly and all joined together. If your dreads are thinning and starting to snap off I can re-attach them for you.
Some people struggle when their dreads get too long or just prefer them to be a bit shorter. I can trim your dreads and create new wispy ends or blunt them for your again. You may want to keep the length of your dreads but loose some weight by having an undercut or side shave created. I can do this for you too.
If you are interested in any of these services then please get in touch so we can chat about your needs.